Electronics Recycling Centers

Toronto, GTA, Montreal, Ottawa, Vancouver...
100% Free & Quick Pick-Up. Electronics Revaluation
Premier Quality Service. Secure & Eco-Responsive.
  • Free Electronics Pick-Up
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List of Recyclable Items

Computers (any computer type without exception!)

Macs, PC’s, desktops, laptops, servers, tablets, etc.

Computer accessories (all computer equipment without exception!)
Laser printers, inkjet printers, dot matrix printers, scanners, faxes, copiers, CRT monitors, telephones, LCDs, mice, keyboards, CD-ROMs, diskettes, ink cartridges, switches, routers, modems, networking hardware, telecommunications hardware, UPSs, etc.

Computer parts (all computer parts without exception!)
Motherboards, PC cards, various green circuits boards, hard drives, power supplies, memory, processors, adapters (power packs), coolers (heatsinks), mobile parts, CDs / DVDs / floppies, etc.

Cables (all without exception cable models!)
Computer cables, laptop adapters, power cables, ethernet cables, printers, monitors, etc.

Batteries (all without exception battery models!)
Lead batteries (U.P.S., etc.), laptops batteries, small batteries (AA, AAA …), etc.

Electronics (all electronic devices!)
Cellular phones, TVs, cameras & telephone systems, VHSs, stereos, amplifiers, terminals for TVs, satellite receivers, etc.